Happy Anniversary, Happy Jess <3

O-M-G my loves! It's been one year since I started this passion project of mine! I have learned so many things since I stepped out in faith and launched my blog into the universe, I reflected this weekend about all the lessons, and I jotted down a few below

Everything is Figureoutable
Okay, so those are actually the wise words of queen, Marie Forleo, but damn have they been so true this year. I vividly remember before I began blogging, thinking to myself, girl, you have no idea how to start a website. P.S. this is still true, but I do know how to whip out a google search bar real quick. I googled my face off trying to figure out which platform was best for me, I used Germain's research skills to compare plans and asked my friends to help me build my about me section and give me topic ideas. I know how to use my resources and ask a billion questions until I have a game plan. This endeavor has showed me that I am relentless and scrappy, and that everything is truly figureoutable.

You're Doing More Than You Think
Confession, I have not posted a blog since September. Yep, you read that right. It's November 11th and I haven't posted in almost 2 months! When I started writing this blog entry, I had a moment of feeling like I failed. See, I had planned to blog at least once a month and here we are almost 2 months later without a blog. Instead of beating myself up for not meeting my goal, I decided to count all the blogs I wrote this year. Guess what, ya'll, this is blog #21! TWENTY ONE! That's almost two a month for the last year, if you're doing the math. Not only did I kick my goals ass, I dang near doubled it! Can I be more consistent? You bet, but done is better than perfect, babe! I did the dang thing this year! This reminder is important in my daily life, not just in this blog. I have been pretty honest about my struggles with feeling like I am not doing enough and being able to see my work in black and white was extremely helpful for a recovering perfectionist like me.
*Side note, I have never stopped writing, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Writing is my passion and I do it everyday!

Someone Needs Your Voice
Most of the blogs I have written so far have focused on how a successful woman struggles with the feelings of not enough and moves towards her goals anyway. The response I have received has been nothing short of inspirational. In the world of social media, you are bombarded with perfectly curated images of what everyone wants you to see about their life. We're practically starved for authenticity, and this blog has given me a platform to share my real thoughts and feelings and let others connect with me in a deep and meaningful way. I know that more people are reading than I even know, and while I may not be for everyone, those messages of hope I get knowing someone out there feels seen or heard absolutely makes my heart explode!

Your creative energy is worth chasing
There are so many times when I fall off track. My energy is off, my work schedule is hectic, my social life ramps up and bam I completely off the rails. What I have discovered this year is that getting my creative juices flowing is incredibly important for being able to keep up with the chaos of my everyday life. Like most of you, my life is crazy busy, between being a wife, a dog mom, a leader, a friend, and a business owner my energy can easily be depleted. What fills my cup back up is to get myself into activities that light my heart on fire. Writing, reading, photography, cooking, and connection with other people who inspire me brings me back to a place where I feel like I can take on the world. I am a little embarrassed to say that before this project, I didn't value creativity. I measured success with productivity, and while i think there is still value with being productive and checking off boxes, I have come to realize that I cannot get one without the other. I am sure you have heard this so many times, but you cannot pour from an empty cup, and it takes my creative endeavors to fill mine back up!

Following your passions, bring new passions
Five months after this blog launched I started my own business, five months after that I picked up my camera again and came back to another passion of mine. I have been amazed at the fact that, because I was willing to take on one thing I was a little scared of, now I am finding new creative adventures to get into, or ever rekindling old ones. Sometimes when we have something on heart that we want to do, we get caught in the loop of how. I wanted to write this blog for almost 3 years before I started it, and when I was brave enough to just start, as messy as it was, the path became a little clearer. I encourage you my friend to be fearless in pursuing those little ideas that light you up. You truly never know where it is going to lead you.

Truth is, I could go on and on, I am learning things everyday about myself and the world because I choose to run towards new challenges. If you have learned anything along with me or are chasing a new adventure, I would love to hear about it! Please leave me a comment or reach out to me via social media so I can help encourage you along the way!

Someone Deserves a Shout Out!
I cannot end this without showing so much gratitude. To all of you who read this, and share it with people and give me feedback, you are incredibly valuable to me and there are not enough words to express my sincere thank you. I would also be remiss not to mention my rock, Germain. He is the most patient and incredible human on the planet. He is my IT department, my editor, my chef, my husband and my biggest motivator. No one believes in my potential more than he does and I would not have this blog without him. I also would not eat regularly or relax. Germain, I am beyond grateful for everything you do to make my world a better place, love you! xo Jess

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