7 Ways to Stay Calm in the Chaos

Do you feel like you and everyone else just might be losing it lately? Between fear of getting coronavirus and adjusting to work from home or worse, losing your job altogether, anxiety feels like it is at an all time high.  If you are feeling like you need a few ways to keep your sanity in a time like this, below are 7 ways to keep your cool, while everyone else is losing their s***.

Stick to your routines

Yes, I am that person getting up at 5am, even though I have no commute right now, and the only co-workers who are seeing me on a daily basis are my husband and my dog.  I have kept my same morning routine, along with hair and makeup since I have been working from home last week. I may have lost you already because you think I have lost my mind, but hear me out! I THRIVE in structure, when things happen that are completely out of my control, I like being able to keep my routines so I can at least control something.  Maybe you prefer a morning run or to meditate for 20 minutes. The point is to keep your schedule as normal as possible by keeping everything else in place other than the commute.

"Don't vote on your emotions"

I know a life coach who says this quote all the time and I am obsessed with it! How many times have you started talking out loud or even thinking about how you're feeling and then immediately stop yourself and you're like knock it off, we have things to do, or quit being crazy! Yep, girl me too!

Here's the thing, you are allowed to have emotions.  If you are scared, or nervous, or are feeling anxious, THAT IS OK! Don't stop yourself, or talk yourself out of it, if you don't work through those emotions, it will only get worse.  While we're at it, let's also stop comparing tragedy! I have seen people on social media trying to one up each other for their terrible circumstances. That is not helping anyone! Let's stay focused on gratitude and helping each other! We are all in this together.

Stay informed, but quit watching the news

I don't care which channel you are watching, they are all trying to sensationalize things because that is their job! The more they blow things out of proportion, the more eyeballs they get on them.  Don't fall for the hype. Definitely watch to stay informed on where we are as a country and use reputable information like the CDC and World Health Organization to help confirm the facts. But please do yourself a favor and stop watching the 24/7 new channels and getting sucked in the craziness, this will do nothing for your state of mind during all of this.

"Same you, new mood"

That quote is from my mentor, Rachel Hollis.  Here is the thing that took me the longest to learn over the years of self development. You are in charge of your mood, and yes you can not always be Susy Sunshine, I get it, but you're the only one who can decide to change it.  This entire situation is bananas, and I have had some hard days through all of this, trying to navigate working at home, trying to navigate running a business through a tragedy, trying to not go stir crazy because I like to be out and social with people.  These things are difficult for me, but that doesn't mean I want to stay in this place of struggle for however long this continues. Find something that brings you joy, even during all of this stress and make sure you incorporate it daily if possible. Maybe that is a workout, or a new book, or a virtual happy hour.

Check on your people

Whether you think this is being blown way out of proportion or you are scared to leave your house, we are all physically separated right now.  Some of the people you know and love are not doing well. Between the fear and isolation this can bring anxiety, depression, insomnia and a host of other issues.  Make sure you are reaching out and making sure they are holding up. That phone call or text could make a huge difference to someone that is struggling. I am also going to make this second point with tears in my eyes, call your parents and grandparents, I wish everyday that I could, so if you have the ability, please check on them and make sure they don't need anything. The reality is,  the only thing they need, is to hear from you.

Organize something or complete a project

I know I am not the only one that feels better about life when my house is clean and organized, I am pretty sure there is science to back up this feeling.  I have had a running list of items around the house that I have been wanting to do since December and have not had time to do them, and now is the perfect time to start checking things off the list.  Whether it's your linen closet, guest bedroom, your car, your desk, your purse, or even that junk drawer (don't act like you don't have one, too!) take 20-30 minutes and clean those up, you will be shocked at what it does for your well being when you start organizing your life! By the time all of this is over, my house is going to Joanna Gaines organized. Maybe you have some home projects you have been wanting to complete, painting that bedroom, or hanging those shelves.  If you are going to be stuck at home, you might as well turn your home into somewhere you love to be!

Go outside

I made a mistake in the first few days of self quarantine, and I forgot to go outside.  Other than the few exceptions of letting my dog out to go play I was not going outside. It could be because I am a Florida girl, but I need vitamin D, I need to see and feel the sun and wind and with the weather being 75 and sunny these days I have zero excuses not to.  Sadly, this is my norm when I am at the office, however I am determined to change that now. If you are like me and getting sucked into work, set a reminder on your phone to get up at least once an hour and step out in your backyard or driveway and get some fresh air. Bonus points if you don't take your phone with you!

I hope this list helps someone, if you have any other ways to help stay calm these days, I would love to hear them, leave a comment or feel free to email me at hashtaghappyjess@gmail.com